How Depression Is Diagnosed
Depression Hereditary : How Depression Is Diagnosed - Genetics can affect your likelihood of developing depression or anxiety. But they are not the whole story.
How do I know if my depression is genetic?
Depression is not typically passed down from parent to child. Those who have a first-degree relative (for example, a parent or sibling) that has depression appear to have a 2-3 times greater likelihood of developing the condition than the general public believe and can be of assistance in supporting and encouraging you.
When does hereditary depression start?
In general, the younger the person is when they experience anxiety or depression, the more likely it is to be genetic. Depression and anxiety can still be genetic if they are present in your family members that are older. Often, the onset of new conditions in people over the age of 20 is associated with painful or stressful events that are beyond their control.
Depression Hereditary: Definition
If someone in your family has one or both of these conditions, there is a good chance you will get it too. But that doesn't mean you necessarily will. You may have depression or anxiety even if no one else in your family is affected.
It is of the utmost importance that you receive treatment for any mental illness, whether or not it has been passed down in your family. If you have a relative with anxiety, depression, or both, you want to know what symptoms to watch out for, what to do if you get them, and what you can do to reduce your risk.
Research Shows
In studies of twins, doctors have found that anxiety and depression are partly genetic signs. Identical twins share the same genes, while fraternal twins only share half the genes. They were more likely to experience anxiety or depression than their fraternal twins.This suggests that these conditions may be linked to certain genes, making them hereditary.
However, none of the genes were found to cause depression or anxiety. So it's hard to explain how these diseases are inherited through genes. The combination of different genes from your parents can affect whether you are likely to develop anxiety or depression. However, doctors do not know exactly which set of genes is responsible for these diseases.
Remember that most medical conditions are not just genetic. Your environment, lifestyle and personal history also matter. Families often share these things, making it difficult to judge the role of genetics. Genetic risk and other factors can be mixed in a person's day-to-day life.
If Your Family Has Anxiety or Depression
Age may be a clue as to whether anxiety or depression is genetically linked in your family.If someone develops one of these conditions before age 20, their family members are also more likely to develop it. In most cases, the younger the person experiencing anxiety or depression, the more likely it is genetic.
If anxiety and depression occur in older family members, it can still be hereditary. But new illnesses in people over the age of 20 are often related to painful or stressful life events.
You are more likely to inherit anxiety or depression tendencies if your close relatives are more prone to anxiety or depression than your more distant relatives. If your twin, parent, or sibling has anxiety or depression, you are more likely to develop it because you have a close relationship with them.
Warning Sign
Everyone should be aware of the symptoms of anxiety and depression, especially if these disorders have been passed down in your family. You can catch these diseases earlier and get help sooner if you know what to look out for.
Everyone feels depressed or worried at times. That's normal. When it becomes a condition, it is not only that.
People with depression often feel hopeless. Other signs include low energy, irritability or anger, sudden weight changes, loss of interest in hobbies, intense guilt, sloppy behavior and poor concentration. These symptoms must persist for at least 2 weeks to be diagnosed with depression.
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Anxiety disorders have many of the same symptoms as depression. Both disorders can cause loss of energy and difficulty concentrating. People with anxiety disorders also often become very nervous, panic, have a rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, have trouble sleeping at night, have stomach problems, or find themselves avoiding things that make them anxious.
Notify Your Doctor
It's important to tell your doctor if any anxiety or depression is in your family -- just like any medical condition.
There's no way to completely prevent depression and anxiety, but there are ways to reduce stress and take care of yourself. These habits are good for everyone, and if you know someone in your family who suffers from anxiety and depression, there are steps you can take to prevent them from getting worse.
Table of PHQ-9 Scores and Proposed Treatment Actions
PHQ-9 Score | Depression Severity | Proposed Treatment Actions |
0-4 | None - Minimal | None |
5-9 | Mild | Watchful waiting;repeat PHQ-9 at follow-up |
10-14 | Moderate | Treatment plan, Considering counseling, follow-up and/or pharmacotherapy |
15-19 | Moderately-Severe | Active treatment with pharmacotherapy and/or psychotherapy |
20-27 | Severe | Immediate Initiation of pharmacotherapy, and if severe impairment of poor response to therapy, expedited refferal to a mental health specialist for psychotherapy and/or collaborate management. |
Tips to Avoid Depression and Anxiety
If you're at risk for depression or anxiety, like any other serious illness, you should do what you can to prevent:
Consider proactively starting counseling. Finding a therapist before problems arise can help you learn the skills to deal with situations that may trigger anxiety or depression. Tell them about your family medical history or other conditions. Ask your doctor if you need a referral.
Replenishes vital nutrients. A healthy diet helps support your body and brain. Make sure you're getting enough of these nutrients:
- Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the proper development of the brain. They're present in some fish (such as salmon, tuna, and sardines), flaxseed, and pumpkin seeds. These fats are essential for brain health.
- Vitamin B. This is because of the high concentration of B vitamins in the food. People with low levels of B vitamins are more susceptible to depression. Foods that contain B vitamins include green vegetables, beans, lentils, whole grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, meat, eggs, and other animal products.
- Vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D are associated with depression, but it's not clear if they actually cause it. Your body creates vitamin D through sunlight exposure or through dietary supplements that contain vitamin D.
This product contains no added sugars. Foods that are naturally sweet, like fruit, will maintain a more consistent level of energy in your body.
A simple method of obtaining a healthy diet is to include a lot of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and enough protein and healthy fat in your diet, while consuming less food that is highly processed or high in saturated fat. Think of the traditional Mediterranean diet as an example. If you're not sure if your dietary habits are in order, consult with your physician or a registered dietitian.
Make it a exercise routine. Research has demonstrated that it can have a positive effect on mild to moderate depression. It's a beneficial way to relieve stress, increase your mood and energy, and take care of your physical health.
Get enough sleep. Anxiety and depression can lead to a lack of quality sleep. Many people require 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
Step back and take a deep breath if you begin to feel anxious while performing a task. You may also want to consider meditation or other practices that promote mindfulness, this helps you maintain your focus on the present instead of dwelling on negative or anxious thoughts.
Take breaks from routine activities. This can facilitate a positive mindset.
Avoid or reduce the amount of alcohol and caffeine you consume. This may help to prevent panic attacks.
Focus on building healthy relationships. Your loved ones can have a significant impact on your mood and can help you to feel supported and encouraged.
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